Engaging with our cultural heritage unites and brings people together across countries and societies.
This works best when the focus is not on the divisive aspects, but on the similarities or even commonalities.

People Places Stories aims to raise the capacity of society to exploit cultural heritage as an environment and resource for sustainable social development.

HC Development ToolKit
Establishing and sustaining a heritage community (HC) is no easy task. People Places Stories has developed an online Toolkit and learning platform to help those interested with practical guideline and real-life examples.

Find out more about direct outputs of the projects and the outcomes for the different target groups.
People Places Stories (PPS) is an Erasmus + project (2020-22) which focuses on the creation of heritage communities as socio-cultural spaces for creativity, learning and participation. Although we have drawn inspiration from the motto of the Council of Europe’s Faro Action Plan, also People Places Stories, which was developed to translate the principles of its latest Heritage Convention into practice, our partnership is not tied formally to the CoE’s network. Our project aims to raise the capacity of citizens, facilitators, and local authorities to engage in these heritage communities.