Il Toolkit per lo sviluppo delle comunità patrimoniali
Questo toolkit è stato creato per le persone che vogliono avviare o sviluppare ulteriormente una comunità patrimoniale nel luogo o nell’area in cui vivono, lavorano o ne apprezzano la cultura. È inoltre rivolto a coloro che credono nello sviluppo socio-culturale attraverso il coinvolgimento attivo del patrimonio.
La struttura di questa piattaforma si basa su sei fasi per la costruzione e/o il miglioramento di una comunità patrimoniale, definite dal nostro team di progetto, che sono poi collegate alle azioni e alle capacità del framework di competenza del PPS. A conclusione di tale toolkit, avrai anche la possibilità di confermare le tue competenze.
Il Toolkit è disponibile solo in inglese.
NOTA: A questa piattaforma si accede in maniera ottimale tramite desktop o tablet
PPS Community Map
Click on the PPS community map to select the relevant development stage.
For each stages there will be:
- relevant interviews, documents, etc.
- good practice examples
- a list of relevant competences and activities
- a quiz, offering questions and exercises
Identify the Community
Stage 1
Do you know there are different types of heritage community? what is the focus of your communities and how you start developing one?
Engage, Expand, Be Active
Stage 5
Want some new ideas to get your community and other stakeholders excited and involved? Are you interested to learn how to facilitate participation and create shared responsibilities?
Build Capacity and Review Skills
Stage 4
Which competences do you need to build, maintain, and sustain your heritage community? How can you facilitate learning and development for actors in your communities?
Stage 6
What is next and how you can keep your project and community growing? How can you establish a long-lasting relevance and secure funding?
Analyse the Current Situation
Stage 2
Who are the communities and stakeholders in your area or heritage project? What distinguishes them from each other and what do they have in common? What are heritage values and do you know how to identify and assess them?
Create a Vision and Set Goals
Stage 3
What are your needs regarding participation and wellbeing in your local community? What can you do to meet these needs? What roles does the heritage has in this process? How can the community develop a shared vision and identify common goals?
Competence Oriented Learning and Validation
PPS approach is based on the concept of competence oriented learning (COL) . As part of this online tool kit, we offer access to the COL online learning module and the opportunity to validate your competence development for "Facilitating Heritage Community Development" through LEVEL5 certification.
Register to access the learning platform